YAtopia and Down Under Wonderings are coordinating GET YOUR PITCH ON. a chance to skip the slush pile. A snippet of information from YAtopia:
Here's the rules:
- Your manuscript must be complete, polished and ready to query - this means no first drafts or almost finished manuscripts.
- It must be YA.
- When the contest goes live on October 15th, post your entry details in the comments section of either YAtopia or Down Under Wonderings - each blog is accepting 100 entries only.
- Your entry detail needs to include a 50 - 70 word pitch.
- You can enter more than once if you have more than one complete, polished, ready to query manuscript.
I'm one of the twenty blogs hosting pitch feed back October 1!
Want more information? Check it out
Want to be a host for the Get Your Pitch On polish? Sign up here.
Looking for other blogs hosting the Get Your Pitch On polish? They're here.
I'm so excited! I admit I'm not so good at my own pitches, NEVER seem to get the distance needed to distill the story down, but I've helped lots of other people with theirs (with some success too :-) )
I'll share more information as I get it. Be sure to bookmark YAtopia and Down Under Wonderings for the latest news.