Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Belated GUTGAA Links! Here are ALL the FAB Authors

I've so enjoyed doing GUTGAA (that's Gearing Up To Get An Agent) over at Deana Barnhart's blog. So many wonderful people, I wanted to share the list. Oh, and despite the option so sign up at the end, please go to Deana Barnhart's blog to sign up!

Hello Blogger World!

Well I'm back to having a blogger site (in addition to my EllieWrites2 Wordpress site) because there are so many things I can do here that can't do there. Like, oh, link to blog hops, and um, blog hops. Okay, I'm sure there's more but that's the reason I started this blog.

So, off to set up links to the first blog hop and get things done! If you want to read more of my usual posts, go to my other site EllieWrites2. Lots of stuff there!